Shade-loving or Shade-tolerant? - Plant list for your shade garden
Shade-loving or Shade-tolerant? - 10 species for your shade garden (A)
According to W. George Schmid, the author of "An Encyclopedia of Shade Perennials" there are no "shade-loving" plants. Those plants that have the ability to aesthetically improve your garden require some level of light to photosynthesize and create chlorophyll. Therefore, based on that, we can call the plants that can be grown in shade as "shade-tolerant".
In this article will be presented species that can grow either in full shade, medium shade, woodland shade or light shade.
1. Acanthus hungaricus - Bear's breeches
Characteristics - requires morning sun, lightshade - woodland shade, it is hardy to zone 7 and it is heat and drought-tolerant. |
2. Achlys triphylla -Vanilla leaf
Characteristics - grows in medium - full shade, prefers moist soil and it is excellent as a solid groundcover. |
3. Aconitum napellus - Common monkshood
Characteristics - grows in light shade, it is hardy in zone 5 and 6 and it prefers moist but well-drained soil. |
4. Actaea pachypoda - White baneberry
5. Adiantum pedatum - Northern maidenhair
Characteristics - grows in light to full shade, it is hardy in zone 3 to 8 and it prefers moist but well-drained soil. |
6. Ajuga reptans - Carpet bugle
Characteristics - grows in light to full shade, it is hardy
in zone 3 to 10 and it prefers moist but well-drained soil.
! - It is a rapid
spreader and it can invade adjacent
border areas or lawns
7. Anemone tomentosa - Japanese anemone
8. Anemonopsis macrophylla - False anemone
9. Aquilegia canadensis - Canada columbine
10. Aralia cordata - Japanese spikenard
Characteristics - grows in light to woodland shade, it is hardy in zone 4 to 6 and it prefers moist but well drained soil. |
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